PVC Shortbow Tutorial

This easy-to-follow 9-step tutorial makes a 49.5 inch bow.  For LARP, it should have around a 26 pound draw.  I have used this type of bow many times and it is great fun even for non-larpers.  I suggest pairing it with rubber-tipped arrows that can be bought online rather than making your own foam-tipped ones.


  • heat gun
  • PVC – 3/4″
  • marker
  • measuring tape
  • saw
  • wood
  • 4 clamps

Step 1:

Mark the centre line on a straight piece of PVC.


Step 2:

Make two 1 1/16 inch blocks out of wood.


Step 3:

Draw two straight lines that your PVC can fit snugly in between so that you know it’s straight throughout working on it.


Step 4:

Get two other solid pieces of wood.  Each one should be at least half the length of your bow.  These will rest on top of your blocks and create the taper in your bow once heated and clamped.


Step 5:

Use a heat gun and warm your PVC until it can be easily compressed.  This should take about 5-10 minutes on full power.  While doing so, please be sure to wear a mask so you don’t breathe in plastic fumes.  Also, be careful when checking how malleable your PVC is because it will get very hot.


Step 6:

Move quickly after turning off the heat gun.  Make sure the PVC lies straight between the two lines you drew earlier.  Place your two small blocks on either side of the centre of your bow.  Then, clamp the longer pieces of wood down on top so that there is a taper on either side of the bow.


Step 7:

Let it sit for roughly an hour now so that it can cool down and re-harden.  Give the bow a good sanding to take off any labels and so it can take paint better.  It should look like this once done.  ⇓



Step 8:

Drill a 1/4″ hole 3/4 of an inch in from either end of the bow.


Step 9:

Add your string.  There are three types of string I can suggest using:

  1. Buy a proper bow string (easiest, strongest, most expensive).
  2. Make a bow string (hardest, strength depends on how well you make it, average expense).  The YouTube videos here will help:  http://basicallybowsarchery.com/Strings.html
  3. Make one from para-chord.  Take the outer layer off to expose the strings inside (easy, not best quality).

The length of string should be about 3-4 inches shorter than the distance between the two holes.

A simple figure eight knot at either end, to make a hoop, can be threaded through the holes.


Enjoy your new bow!  If you use this tutorial to make your own bow then email me some photos.

Also, be sure to follow my on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram @TheLARPLife.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at TheLARPLife@gmail.com.

Happy LARPing,



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