What To Keep In Your Bag


When going to LARP, it is a good idea to have a bag.  This way, you can always have important items that belong to your character, as well as yourself, on your person at all times.  Now, you do not need to carry around every weapon, trinket, or coin that your character owns.  There are ways to hide your character’s non-essential items, so that you do not get robbed.  But, some items are too important to leave behind.  So, I want to talk to you about the belongings I think are the most important.  And, if you are worried about being able to find a bag that fits the genre of your LARP or which suits your character, do not fret, there are many options.




OOG Pocket


I do not know about your LARP, but every one that I have gone to has given me a soul for my character.  You should always carry your soul on you.  It is helpful to, if you are still getting used to your character, be able to glance at the page and remind yourself of what skills your have and how much damage you can take to your body before you die.  Try not to look at your soul too much, while game is happening, because it can break immersion for other people who notice you looking at an OOG piece of paper.  Keeping your soul with you is also important because you can be randomly checked by staff if they think that you are cheating.


As I have mentioned before, in 10 Must Haves When Packing For LARP, keeping some money with you is never a bad idea.  I would not suggest bringing your entire wallet and every card you carry to game.  This takes up more space than necessary and, on the off-chance that something happens to your money, you do not want to lose all of your cards, ID, and cash.  Instead, pick up a cheap zip-up pouch from your local dollar store or pharmacy.  Once you have paid for game, carry around enough money for a quick trip to your LARP’s tavern for lunch.  Otherwise, you do not need normal money on your person at all times.


In that same pouch that you are carrying your cash, bring some form of ID.  It is up to you whether you carry your driver’s license, health card, or another form of photo ID.  But, it is always important to have at least some form of identification on your person in case something happens.  If you do not feel comfortable carrying your cards on you to game, and would rather leave them in your tent where you know they are safe, then make a photocopy.  This way, if you end up losing your little pouch it is not the end of the world.



If you have any prescriptions that are for emergencies, carry these with you.  In your normal life, you probably do this anyway, but do not leave these items in your tent.  Put them in the bag that you carry and speak to the medical marshals of your LARP.  Tell them what health problems you have, what prescriptions you have to treat the problems, and where you keep those prescriptions.  That way, if an emergency occurs the professionals know exactly how to treat you and can do it as quickly as possible.  Also, if you are a female, it cannot hurt to keep a pad or tampon with you, just in case.

IG Pocket

A Few Coins

When you first start out, your character will be given coin or tags/items.  But, as you progress, your pockets will sag and other character will notice and want a piece of all that treasure.  So, your best bet is to invest in a box with a lock and to find a good hiding place.  Keep anything that is not essential in this lock-box.  I would suggest only carrying a few coins or cheaper items on you so that, in case you are stolen from or killed, you will not lose your whole fortune.  And, when hiding your treasure, it is best not to tell anybody else about where you are keeping it.  Find a really good place and leave it there or constantly change its hiding place, it is up to you.  But, be careful about when you open it and who is around.


Regardless of whether it is a sweltering summer afternoon or a frigid winter night, keeping water on you is always a good idea.  You should stay as hydrated as possible at LARP so that you do not get heat stroke or dehydration; neither of which are fun to deal with.  There are multiple ways to keep water on your person.  Most LARPs will not object to you carrying around a water bottle, even if it is plastic and has a logo on it, because they want you to stay hydrated.  But, if you want to have something that is a little more immersive, try a water-skin, drinking horn, or make a simple holster to conceal the branding on your bottle.


You never know when your next change will be to eat at LARP.  Usually you can get some breakfast into your belly before monsters start attacking but lunch and dinner are harder to plan for.  Maybe you lucked out and your camp is a real team that has a proper pot-luck dinner every evening.  But, most people will be busy going on adventures and fighting off the bad guys.  And, if you play a LARP where it is easy to lose track of time, then there can be times where you get so wrapped up in what you are doing that you forget to eat.  In this case, carry around some snacks on you.  Again, you do not have to carry around every munchy that you brought to game, but you should keep something in your bag in case your stomach starts to grumble while you are fighting an ogre.  Some options are granola bars, dried fruit, or veggies.


I hope you found my tips helpful for when you are packing for LARP.

What are the essentials that you take to LARP?  Let me know in the comments below.

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Until next time,


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